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Purchase VS Rental – The Facts – Rent To Own An Affordable Option! | Heating & Cooling

There once was a time when leasing a vehicle was the way to go, you had a lower monthly payment, could get a new vehicle every few years… however you never actually owned that vehicle. You were simply “renting” by paying monthly for use of the vehicle. Major repairs were covered as the vehicle would be under warranty, maintenance was your responsibility – if you chose to of course.

The HVAC industry has been in this trend for many years now with water heaters and more recently getting into furnace and air conditioner rentals.

We can offer you the convenience, security and freedom of rental monthly payments with the benefits of ownership of your equipment! An affordable option of “rent to own” – with an “end” in sight!

We believe in offering our customer the very best value for their money – including protection for your equipment.

SNAP Financing is available for any home comfort improvement, renovation or repair. The financing is based on a monthly payment, 120 month fixed interest rate and the loan is open, which means there is no penalties for making additional payments or paying off the balance of the loan at any time.

This results in a very affordable Rent-To-Own option for anyone wanting to replace or upgrade their existing HVAC Equipment such as your water heater, furnace, air conditioner, hrv or even your fireplace… switching from electric heat? No problem your duct work can be included in this as well!

We are able to offer our customers a 10 Year Parts and Labour Warranty Program  on home comfort appliances (including hot water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, fireplaces etc) and coverage can be customized for parts and labour coverage.

Check out the info below for SNAP vs RENTAL and give Mike a call for more info! If you would like to pre-qualify you can do so on our website at http://www.jjmclellan.ca/ and click on the button in the top right corner under the website header OR click below on the image. SNAP Pre-Approval-2By purchasing your Home Comfort System with our Rent-To-Own option, which includes the 10 year parts and labour warranty, you can rest and breathe easy knowing that you have low monthly payments and are covered should your equipment break down!

Even better is knowing that you will not be paying forever for the same old, outdated equipment. Once its paid for – its yours! There is no buy out, penalty or additional forms to sign. Our Rent-To-Own Option truly is cut and dry, black and white. It really cannot get much simpler!

Check out the details below comparing costs… it truly breaks my heart when we hear from customers who have a 15 or 20 year old water heater and have been paying the same monthly payment (or more as the rates do increase each year) when the water heater is no longer running efficiently and the capacity could be cut in half (depending on how hard the water is).

SFG SNAP vs Rental

Quality vs Quantity… When Product & Pricing Collide

“It is quality rather than quantity that matters.”

When you go shopping for a new vehicle or an expensive electronic do you automatically go for the lower price or do you, price around and factor all the pro’s and con’s before making a final decision?

We strongly urge our customers to do this when it comes to your Home Comfort as well.

Our Comfort Advisor, Mike Johnson, will provide our customers with options, within these options are key factors pricing, efficiency, warranty, brand and business.

Pricing – Value you get for your money. This is an investment.

Efficiency – Saving money on your utilities while the system operating quietly and comfortably.

Warranty – What if… there is always a what if, no matter if its your HVAC System in your home, your vehicle, your computer, your phone, your camera, kids toys, tv etc etc there will always unfortunately be the “lemon”. Read the fine print to know what you are and are not covered for AND what you could purchase to ensure you ARE covered given any “what it’s”.

Brand – Research the company brand names. Ask your friends and neighbours. Unfortunately it is common for some of the “off” brands to not be in business very long and that could leave you in a difficult situation if even 5-10 years later you need parts. Parts may not be available any longer or could cost a lot of money. Does the brand name offer any rebates ?

Business – Research the company before you do business with them. How long have they been around. Are they going to be around for service in 6mths, 1 yr, 5 yrs or even 10 or 20. Does the business who wants to sell you the equipment provide service? Unfortunately there are many businesses out there who merely sell product and will not stand behind it if you have any issues.

One thing we stress to our customers is although the price may be lower for an “off brand” if you ever need repairs or parts, this could present you with quite the issue and end up costing a LOT more! Sometimes customers are lucky and they are able to use a “generic” part on their system which costs significantly less than the brand name (which isn’t as readily available as others).

Although an “off-brand” may cost you less in the beginning, this could end up costing you a LOT more in the end in your comfort (noise level, operation), parts and service. We are thankful that we do have wonderful suppliers to work with to source parts, however what we can run into is a delay due to the sourcing and shipping of the parts once they are finally located. It really is heart breaking having to tell someone their part is going to take days or weeks to come in.

As a Lennox Premier Dealer for over 50 years we stand behind any product made by Lennox – they do offer a variety of Good-Better-Best options which can suite our customer’s needs. We also offer a Complete Care Warranty Package which covers you for 10 years parts and labour – one and only “catch” with this warranty is to have it cleaned once a year – which should be done anyway!

We can also offer affordable financing through SNAP Financial for your home comfort needs! Offering very affordable payments and the option of paying it off whenever you want in the 10 years!

Your home heating, cooling & plumbing system is an investment into your home and your well being!