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Neustadt Gas Service – Fall 2024

Natural Gas is coming to Neustadt, Ontario in the fall of 2024!!!

We are on the approved contractor list and are actively getting applications submitted.

If you are interested in getting switched over to gas be sure to give us a call today at 519-323-2000!

The sooner we can get your application submitted, the sooner you will ensure your natural gas service will be installed 🙂

Welcome Spring – With Snow & Showers

Its been an interesting start to 2023 Spring, however Im sure all would agree this is a “normal” Ontario Spring where we are teased with some gorgeous summer like weather and then are hit with the snow again 😉

As we are eagerly awaiting the return of our spring weather here are some tips and hints to make the most of your own property!

  • Pump your septic – the spring is a great time to get your septic cleaned out so that you are confident you will be flushing great all year long! We pump out BOTH sides of the septic tank – the liquid and solid. Our driver is extremely knowledgeable and can also pick up on any potential issues for you! A royal flush is better than a full house!
  • Clean and Service HVAC System – this is for your Furnace/Boiler, Air Conditioner, Water Heater, HRV etc. They work hard for us and are able to last even longer when cared for with maintenance! Preventative maintenance can also pick up on issues before they get bad – like the furnace quitting in the middle of the winter!
  • Turn on your outside taps – we highly recommend turning the water supply off to your outside taps during the winter to prevent any freezing or possible water damage. The frost free faucets are much better, however its still good to turn off. Also if you possibly forgot this fall, its a good thing to remove your hose before the winter also, they can hold water and potentially cause issues!
  • Keeping in mind, being friendly to nature, “they” say its not good to do yard or garden clean up too soon, the bee’s also appreciate the dandelions as their first feed so if you can stand a bit of yellow, let it mellow for a bit 😉
  • Clean up around outside vents – ensure they are clear from any debris (especially plastic) and any plant material.

The spring is a great time to begin any projects you were thinking of over the winter

Give us a call today at 519-323-2000 or Email us to book your appointment today!

Preparing and Prepping for the Winter

After a brief slow down back in the Spring of 2020, the trades recovered and ramped up quite quickly with so many people spending more time within their homes. Naturally, people began investing within their home space to make improvements but also spending more time at home, our systems have truly been put to the test!

I understand being in the office of our HVAC and Plumbing office, as well as at the time, I myself was in the midst of our own major renovations on our own home! Trust me when I say patience is a virtue! 

With so many trades with full schedules it is now a great time to ensure you, and your loved ones are prepared in your home. Please ensure you check in on your loved ones living on their own too! Especially the seniors in our lives.

  • Check and change smoke detector and co-detector batteries 
  • If you are on a septic – do you know where your septic tank is? Locate the lids and it is recommended to check and pump as needed every 3-5 years – depending on how many people are living in your home.
  • Whether on septic or town sewers – any packaging that states it is “safe to flush” – please ONLY flush toilet paper and human waste. These “flushable wipes” have caused SO many issues including backups so please beware!
  • Change the furnace filter at least 3-4 times a year
  • Locate your furnace shut off Switch. If your power goes out, sometimes the power needs to be reset, this switch can do that. 
  • Ensure you have a back up source of heat. Permanent examples would be a fireplace on each level of your home. The nice thing about a gas fireplace is they will work when the power is out, except for the fan. Another great and very affordable option is little household space heaters that can be plugged in and moved where needed. If you are comfortable with wood, that is also an option too. 
  • Be sure you know where your main water shut off is located in your home. Along with any other plumbing equipment. 
  • Ensure you have a back up supply of water, in case you are without power or your pump stops working. Even if just for 24-48 hours.

If this past year has taught us anything (I can say this personally),  it’s also that our mental health is a key factor in everyone’s lives. As much as we truly would love to help everyone, we must be realistic and ensure we are able to support our loyal customers while also ensuring to avoid burnout! This is a good reminder for all, and not just those of us in the trades!

So, hopefully these tips will help you feel confident if you find yourself with a furnace, water or plumbing issue that you could handle it to a certain extent before your professional can attend in the morning or next business day. 

Spring Specials for your Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Cooling System

Is it time to update your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at your home or business? We have the right options for you! We provide sales and service, so if your system has any issues at anytime after we’ve installed it we will be available for you – whether its during the week, in the evening or on the weekend! We service what we sell and more.

Is your system simply in need of a cleaning and servicing? We can help with that too! For any systems which are still covered under the manufacturer warranty they recommend having your system serviced yearly to ensure the warranty is still valid. A clean and service can ensure the system is operating as it should, could possibly pick up on a potential wear and tear issue on the appliance and by having it cleaned to ensure its operating efficiently this will also save you on your energy bills!

Any questions contact Mike at our office to discuss the various options we have available!

Home Of The Week | August 20, 2015


From small repairs to custom new build or renovation plumbing and heating system design and installation.

Whether you require HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) or Plumbing Mechanical work look no further than the Mechanical HVAC Contractors at JJ McLellan and Son to provide whole home comfort for all your Plumbing and Heating needs big or small, new or repairs!

Did you know we also service and clean Septic Systems!
A Royal Flush Is Better Than A Full House!

We Are The Home Comfort People We Service What We Sell As Well As All Other Makes & Models!

Save On Your Utilties This Summer! | JJ McLellan Heating and Cooling Contractor

Get ready to save this summer (and fall, winter, spring – for many more years!)!!!

Our Summer Promotion begins on Monday June 22nd and we have 5 amazing reasons why now is the time to upgrade your heating and cooling system!

1. Receive up to a $1500 Rebate From Lennox.

2. Receive up to a $650 Rebate from OPA.

3. Do NOT Pay until 2016!!!

4. Save $$$ on your utilities with new energy efficient equipment.

5. You will experience an even temperature throughout your home or business whether its heating or cooling!

* Bonus – The equipment is amazingly quiet !!! *

At JJ McLellan and Son Plumbing and Heating in Mount Forest whether you require HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) or Plumbing Mechanical work look no further than the Mechanical HVAC Contractors at JJ McLellan and Son to provide whole home comfort for all your Plumbing and Heating needs big or small, new or repairs!

LEN_15705_Search_DT_4C_H03620_v1 (3)Lennox… What Perfect Feels LIke!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaLmzaNdvjg]

We Are The Home Comfort People Who Service What We Sell & More!

For All Your Home Comfort Needs ~ Give us a call at 519-323-2000

Before and After – Gas Fireplace Installation

Today our guys converted a wood fireplace to an insert gas fireplace – what a difference!

Not only does the home owner now have instant heat (without the work of wood), they also have a brand new look to their once tired looking fireplace!

The colours in the brick are now accented perfectly by the black trim around the fireplace making the entire fireplace and stone a true (new) master piece!

Before and After Fireplace

* NEW* Muskoka 35″ Electric Fireplace | Just In Time For Christmas!

If you are looking to add instant warmth and coziness to your home which is also very affordable, portable and also convenient… the new Muskoka Fireplace just might be for you!

The Muskoka 35″ Electric Fireplace can be mounted on the wall or on the included stand. There are 3 options of crushed glass, traditional wood and clear stone ember beds all included in the box! Remote control included and will heat up to 400 square feet!

NEW just in stock today and available for a limited time at this price while quantities last!

Drop into the office to see the fireplace in action! Our office is open Monday to Thursday 8am to 5pm and Friday 8am to 4pm.

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Contact Us Online | We Are Experiencing Phone Issues Today

Unfortunately our phone provider is experiencing wide spread issues today and our phone services are extremely intermittent!

If you are in need of our Plumbing or Heating Services please contact us online on Facebook or our website www.jjmclellan.ca.

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that our provider has the issues resolved asap!

Areas We Service for Plumbing and Heating: 
Wellington County including Wellington North, Mapleton and Minto.
Grey County including Southgate and West Grey.
Mount Forest, Clifford, Harriston, Palmerston, Arthur, Drayton,
Moorefield, Durham, Ayton, Holstein

The Plumbing and Heating Services
offered at JJ McLellan and Son in
Mount Forest and the Surrounding Area

Its Time For Your Annual Check Up | Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Mount Forest

Now is the time to have your Heating, Cooling and Ventilation equipment checked before the rush of back to school and the cool evenings of the fall!

Read the information below provided by HRAI of the importance of annual cleaning and servicing of your HVAC Equipment including your furnace, boiler, water heater, air conditioner, and hrv.

Did you know that many home insurance companies have annual inspections as part of your home insurance clause

Any questions feel free to give us a call. We service Mount Forest, Conn, Arthur, Alma, Drayton, Moorefield, Palmerston, Teviotdale, Rothsay, Harriston, Clifford, Ayton, Holstein, Varney and Durham.
