I personally love the cozy warmth that a fireplace provides to a home and even a back yard! Our customers had that exact thought in their mind when they moved into their home and began planning their backyard. When their patio was installed they had us come over and install a conduit with a gas line in it which would sit below the patio ready to be connected to a future back yard gas fireplace!
Here is our work in progress for the new fireplace in the backyard – I am excited to see the finished product once the guys get the fireplace in the frame and then the customer has the unit bricked around.
The first photo shows the conduit for the gas line going under the patio. The second photo shows the unit and the metal frame that the unit is mounted in. The third photo shows the unit and the gas line coming out of the conduit below the patio.
Very innovative and an excellent way to enjoy more outdoor living!
An awesome addition and investment for a back yard… instant, cozy warmth without the work of wood!