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You aren’t the only one who needs to stay cool & comfortable

On days like this where its very hot, humid and muggy many of us are happy to be able to go to work and be out of the heat – what about our pets who we leave at home while we are at work?

When it is this hot out we must be mindful of our pets and children – do NOT leave them in a car unattended as they could quickly over heat, especially in these temperatures! There was a very unfortunate loss of a dogs life in Ontario due to this heat 🙁 Very sad…

If you have AC at home do you leave it on all day or have it programmed to come on before you get home? Did you know that if you leave your system on all day at a constant temperature your home will stay cooler much easier – plus your system will not have to work as hard AND (this is a biggie for me being an animal lover) your pets will be comfortable while you are away!

With the Co0ling season here in full force – please remember to change your filter. This will allow the air to flow easier (without the blockage or resistance of a plugged filter) and your system will not have to work harder. If your AC has to work harder you run the risk of it breaking down… and then you’ll have no cool air!

One more quick reminder, while you are ensuring your pets are staying cool and hydrated also check in on elderly relatives and keep an eye on your children to ensure they are drinking lots of fluid! Freezie’s and popcicles are great options for keeping kids hydrated!

Stay cool and enjoy this Summer weather!

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